Blue Path Holdings' Insights

Taking Action: When to Connect with Sponsors?

Written by Juan David | May 19, 2023 5:01:59 PM

As a passive investor seeking to embark on a multifamily syndication journey, it's crucial to align your investment goals with the right sponsors who can help you achieve financial success. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of reaching out to sponsors, discussing your investment goals, and understanding whether you qualify as an accredited investor. At Blue Path Holdings, we are committed to guiding investors like you on a tailored path toward your economic objectives. Let's explore how to initiate this vital conversation.

The Right Time to Connect with Sponsors:

Contacting sponsors early on in your investment journey can yield valuable insights and guidance and it is crucial if you are not an accredited investor. Whether you're new to multifamily syndications or a seasoned investor, discussing your investment goals with experienced sponsors allows them to understand your unique financial objectives, risk tolerance, and desired level of involvement. By engaging sponsors early in the process, you can benefit from their expertise and receive personalized investment recommendations that align with your goals and building a relationship with sponsors is particularly important for 506(b) offerings, which require a pre-existing relationship with the sponsor before investing.

Understanding 506(b) and 506(c) Offerings: 506(b) and 506(c) offerings are two distinct exemptions under Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933. While both offerings allow private companies to raise capital from investors, there are critical differences to consider. In a 506(b) offering, a syndication can have up to 35 non-accredited investors and an unlimited number of accredited investors. However, 506(b) offerings require a pre-existing relationship between the sponsor and non-accredited investors, typically known as a "substantive relationship.", and sponsors are not allowed to openly advertise the offering, On the other hand, 506(c) offerings are limited to accredited investors only and do not require a pre-existing relationship.

Importance of Relationships for 506(b) Offerings: In the context of 506(b) offerings, having a pre-existing relationship with the sponsor is paramount. This requirement is in place to ensure that non-accredited investors receive proper guidance and have a level of trust and understanding before participating in the investment. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) considers these relationships crucial for protecting the interests of non-accredited investors. Building a relationship with the sponsor allows for a thorough evaluation of investment opportunities and ensures that they are suitable for your financial goals and risk tolerance, without a pre-existing relationship the sponsor should not present 506(b) investment opportunities to non-accredited investors.

Identifying Accredited Investor Status: To assess whether you qualify as an accredited investor, several criteria must be considered. For individuals, the SEC sets income and net worth thresholds. The income requirement typically involves earning an annual income of at least $200,000 individually or $300,000 jointly with a spouse for the past two years, with an expectation of maintaining that level in the current year. Net worth requirements include having a net worth exceeding $1 million individually or jointly with a spouse, excluding the value of a primary residence. Evaluating your financial situation against these criteria will help you determine your accredited investor status.

Articulating Your Investment Goals:

Clearly defining your investment goals is paramount when communicating with sponsors. Consider factors such as desired cash flow, appreciation potential, investment timeline, and overall risk appetite. Are you looking for a steady stream of passive income or long-term wealth accumulation? Are you seeking investments with a focus on capital appreciation? Is your focus to get tax benefits to offset other income? By sharing these goals with sponsors, they can tailor investment opportunities to meet your specific economic objectives.

At Blue Path Holdings, we understand the significance of aligning your investment goals with the right sponsors in the multifamily syndication realm. By reaching out to sponsors early in your investment journey, articulating your goals, and assessing your accredited investor status, you set the stage for a tailored investment experience designed to meet your economic objectives. Our experienced team is ready to engage in meaningful conversations, offering investment opportunities that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Contact Blue Path Holdings today to embark on your personalized investment journey and explore multifamily syndication opportunities tailored to your unique needs, CLICK HERE to schedule a call.

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